We supply this pickup to Ibanez guitars. Introduced 1999 and is a pioneer at open 8 stringed pickups. Often Imitaded but not nailed. Go for the original. "In the process finding the perfect pickups for our 8 strings we stumbled upon Lundgren Pickups. They had it all and still reign. Unchallenged." Marten Hagstrom- Meshuggah. Model M 8 is sold all around the world. This pickup is the 8 stringed version of Model M. If you are playing with a much distorted amp, this pickup still deliver a well defined tone. The pickup has 4 lead cable. Also avalible as neck pickup. Drawings and measurements er available here: https://lundgren.se/en/drawings/ Price: 199 €Samples
›› Felipe Rodriguez, Chile›› Meshuggah I
›› Felipe Rodriguez, Chile
›› M8 Clean on Teardrop Perry Stenbäck
›› M8 Clean on Teardrop Perry Stenbäck Bjarne Health Hansen
document.title = "M8 - Humbucker";