Johans blogg
Grey Monterey, something past and something coming.
Last autumns Guitar Summit in Mannheim was a blast. We had a hectic weekend in our booth and love to see you all again as soon as it is possible. hopefully next year. We also had a good visit to NAMM, Anaheim , California and met some of you there.
Keep your eyes open for our Grey bottom Strat pickup coming later this autumn. Grey Monterey. We promise you some Videos of that lovely set. Check out our YouTube channel and please subscribe.
As we already since long sell pickups to Ibanez, Hagström, Aristides among others we are extremely proud to work with Schecter Guitar Research since early 2019. Check out their new models Banshee MACH guitars which are available in both 6 and 7 stringed versions. Those guitars had top reviews and are available in many different models.
Until then- lest wind some more pickups- take Care- Johan and staff.
Black Heaven and guitarshows 2018
It was a while since I wrote here. I hope you follow our Instagram, Facebook and Youtubechannel.This year has been great fun so far, with even more work than usual. A couple of guitar shows and the Release of Black Heaven series just to mention a couple of things we make happen this year. See you later in Stockholm; 27-28 October- The great Scandinavian Guitarshow. We have been every time since the start- except one- Since 1997.
Clinic på Sweden Guitarworks Lördag 17 Mars 2018.
På Lördag har vi Clinic på det både anrika och moderna Sweden Guitar works i Umeå.
Schema Strata BJFE
Ny sida december 2016
Helt otroligt roligt att få presentera er vår nya sida som fungerar lika bra även i mobil nu. Otroligt men sant har vi haft en hemsida i olika skepnader ända sedan 1996. Tiden går fort när man ha roligt. Vi har ställt ut på NAMM i Anaheim, Los Angeles, Frankfurt m.m. Vi är leverantörer till Ibanez och Hagström för att nämna några. Som ni kanske märkt har vi alltid något nytt på gång med Lundgren Guitar Pickups. Men detta året 2016 har vi kanske släppt fler nya mickmodeller än på flera år. För att ge er några exempel har vi bland annat släppt humbucker-modellerna Heaven 67® och Heaven 77® Dessa har ni välkomnat otroligt fint. Väl mött så hörs vi snart igen, Johan